Fifty-five-year-old man fined $150 for stealing rum from Super J
From the Courts
June 4, 2013

Fifty-five-year-old man fined $150 for stealing rum from Super J

Norman Nanton says he made a mistake when he picked up two quarts of Sunset strong rum and walked past the cashier at Super J supermarket in Arnos Vale, without paying for them.{{more}}

For his actions, Chief Magistrate Sonya Young yesterday placed the 55-year-old Sandy Bay resident on a three-month bond in the sum of $150.

Failure to keep the bond will result in a two-week jail sentence.

The court heard that on Friday, May 31, at about 8:15 p.m., Nanton entered the supermarket and headed to the liquor section. He then took up the two bottles of rum, placed them in the pockets of his pants, and proceeded to walk out of the supermarket.

The security guard at the door stopped Nanton, and upon searching him, the rum was found.

“I made a mistake, I drink like once per month. I am very sorry and [it] is a mistake I make. I apologise to Super J, the police and to the court. It won’t happen again,” Nanton assured the magistrate.

The arresting officer, however, told the court that it was not the first time that Nanton had stolen from the supermarket.

According to the officer, a relative who was with Nanton on a previous occasion, had agreed to pay for the item that Nanton stole then.

An apparently surprised Nanton strenuously denied that such an incident had ever taken place.

Chief magistrate Young adjourned the court for a short while to check with Super J, to ascertain if there was any truth to what the officer had told the court.

When Young returned, she said she had wanted to speak to a specific person, but that person was not available.

“I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. For 55 years, you have kept clear of the law and now you have sullied your record,” the chief magistrate said.(KW)