Layou man charged with  12-year-old Stephon Miller’s murder
From the Courts
March 8, 2013

Layou man charged with 12-year-old Stephon Miller’s murder

McCarthy “DJ” Patterson has been charged with the murder of 12-year-old Dwayne Stephon Miller.Patterson, 29, of Layou, appeared at the Serious Offences Court on Tuesday, March 5, in relation to the murder of the Central Leeward Secondary School student.

Patterson was not allowed to plea.

Miller’s decomposed body was found by police in November 2011, with the assistance of Patterson, in an area of the Layou mountains known as “Hunt Hole”, five weeks after the boy went missing from his London Road, Layou home.

DNA samples were sent abroad for testing to ascertain whether the decomposed body found was that of Miller’s, but up until press time, there was still no result of that testing.

The matter was adjourned to June 21 for Preliminary Inquiry.

In November 2011, Patterson was also charged with intent to commit the offence of murder on Jerramie Phillips of Layou at Happy Hill Mountain on November 3.

Phillips was also in the mountain with Patterson when Miller was killed.

Phillips, 19, alleged that Patterson lured him into the hills under the guise of cutting posts for another Layou resident, and when they got to a certain point, proceeded to choke him from behind.

In Phillips’s matter, Patterson was sent to the High Court to be tried before a judge and jury.(KW)