From the Courts
January 22, 2013

Vincentian men on $40,000 bail in the BVI for stealing goat

Tue Jan 22, 2013

Two Vincentians residing in the British Virgin Islands will return to court on February 9 for sentencing after being charged with theft of a goat.{{more}}

A BVI Plantinnews News report published on January 17 says Javan James, 30, and Hesborne Simmons, 33, appeared before Senior Magistrate Tamia Richards and pleaded guilty to the charge.

They were granted $40,000 bail each.

BVI Plantinnews News reported that the complainant owns several goats and on October 18, 2012 he took the animals on the hill side in the Nottingham Estate to graze, after which he left and went to the supermarket.

Prosecutor Sarah Benjamin said the complainant returned sometime later to where his animals were grazing and after noticing they were all accounted for, he went home — about some 200 feet away — from where he could view the area where the goats were.

Benjamin said when the complainant looked over from his home, he saw James and Simmons, who are known to him.

The report said Simmons took up one of the goats and placed it in a white Suzuki Jeep owned by James and they drove off with the goat.

In a police interview, James admitted that he stole the goat, took it to Long Bay beach and together, they killed it and divided the meat, BVI Plantinnews News reported.

The men have since paid the complainant $400 — the value of the goat.

The article went on to say that James said Simmons told him that the complainant had a goat for him and that was how he was involved in the matter.

Simmons then begged the court for leniency. “We ain’t no thief. Yes, we were wrong, but he had a goat for we and he never really give us back so we took one from him, but we ain’t no thief like that. So please have sympathy on us,” the article quoted Simmons as saying.