Police Constable escapes prison  sentence after being found guilty
From the Courts
April 27, 2012

Police Constable escapes prison sentence after being found guilty

Police Constable Desron Frank narrowly escaped a jail sentence, after being found guilty of common assault, trespass with intent to intimidate and vagabondry.{{more}}

Instead, Chief Magistrate Sonya Young, on Thursday April, 19, fined the South Rivers resident for his actions.

On the charge of assault, he was fined $1,000 compensation. He was ordered to pay $400 forthwith and the remainder in one month or three months in jail.

On the trespassing charge, Frank was fined $500 in one month or three months in jail and placed on a one-year bond on the vagabondry charge. Failure to keep the bond will result in a three-month prison sentence.

Frank entered the premises of Hyacinth Mack on January 21, 2012, at Freeland, Mesopotamia and committed the offences.

He was convicted after two days of trial at the Serious Offences Court.

During the trial, Mack testified that she was at home when she heard a violent pounding on a door. The woman asked who was pounding on her door and the person replied, “Ah come fuh kill…”

Mack’s daughter, who was home with her at the time, telephoned her older brother. When the brother arrived on the scene, Frank was met outside in Mack’s yard, shirtless and with a cutlass in his hand.

In his testimony, Frank told the court he went to talk to Mack about allegations he claimed she had made about his son. He also told the court that the reason he had the cutlass in his hand was because Mack had bad dogs.

He also explained that the reason he was shirtless and in a short trousers was because rain was falling that night.(KW)