COP Miller awaits word on ‘violent’ deportee
From the Courts
September 9, 2011
COP Miller awaits word on ‘violent’ deportee

Police Commissioner Keith Miller says once a person is deported from another country, law authorities here are notified.{{more}}

Miller was at the time responding to concerns which were raised over an article published in SEARCHLIGHT on August 16, 2011, in which it was reported that a Vincentian criminal in the United States of America was awaiting deportation, probably to this country.

Edward Veira, 41, is described as a violent felon who has served more than half of his life in prison. In 1987, when Veira was 18 years old, he was involved in a series of a armed robberies at Burger Kings in Manhattan. The heists were savage. During one robbery, the masked robbers raped and sodomized a teenage store clerk and tried to force one of her co-workers to join in. The girl became pregnant and ultimately had an abortion, a New York newspaper reported.

Veira served all 21 years of his sentence. He was released in 2009, but was jailed again the same day, when he allegedly refused to complete forms registering him as a sex offender.

Commissioner Miller said that he has not yet received word on Veira being deported. If he is deported to SVG, Miller says they will certainly be informed by US authorities.

“They will notify us if he is coming. Sometimes they come escorted or without any escort,” Miller told SEARCHLIGHT.

Miller explained that depending on the deportee, they are sometimes escorted all the way to Barbados and then authorities here take over.

Miller said the deportee is then taken to the police station and processed.

The Commissioner disclosed that some deportees are kept under observation if the police deem it necessary.(KW)