Sentence reduced
From the Courts
April 8, 2011

Sentence reduced

Convict Edson Maloney’s freedom could come sooner than he ever expected.{{more}}

Maloney, who was charged with causing the death of Kendol Joseph, on March 28, 2006, was on Tuesday, April 5, given a reduced custodial sentence.

Joseph died of a single stab wound to his chest after an argument ensued between both men at a construction site at Akers.

Maloney, a contractor, was initially charged for murder, but at the re-trial on Tuesday, he pleaded not guilty to murder and guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter.

Justice Gertel Thom sentenced him to eight years in prison on Tuesday.

At the first trial, Maloney was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 12 years in prison in February 2008. He appealed the matter and his conviction was quashed and a re-trial was ordered.

Maloney, now 33 years of age, could, however, be out of prison in a few months time since he has already been incarcerated for 60 months, which is equivalent to seven years prison time.

Mitigating on Maloney’s behalf, attorney Jomo Thomas said that his client was remorseful for his actions, and since his time in prison, he has changed and had become a better man.

Thomas added that his client’s mitigating circumstances warranted a one-third reduction of his time already served.

Speaking to SEARCHLIGHT after the case, Thomas said the defence is happy with the judge’s decision. “We are happy, and its clear he’s a different individual. I just hope he can come out and use his skill and make something of himself,” Thomas stated.

A report read in court by Chief Prison Officer Brenton Charles informed the court that Maloney was very helpful throughout his time in prison. Charles disclosed that the prisoner was used in the workshop at the new prison at Belle Isle. “Maloney played a major role in laying out the foundation, and more or less, he was the contractor on the site,” he said.

Charles also noted that Maloney was part of anger management counselling while in prison. However, that programme only lasted for 14 sessions. The senior prison officer also made mention of an incident where another inmate was approaching Maloney in a violent manner, but he (Maloney) was able to handle the situation differently.

Maloney also served in the reception area at the prison.

A Social Inquiry report done by Cammie Matthews at the murder trial,stated that Maloney appeared to show remorse and was apologetic about the entire incident and that it was not intentional or premeditated.

Matthews had also pointed out that Maloney was deemed a good prospect for reform and doesn’t posses the ability to become a hardened criminal or serial killer.

In her decision, Thom declared that Maloney does not pose a threat to society, he has good prospects of rehabilitation and it was clear that he was remorseful.

Sentence will commence from the date of incarceration.

Counsel Vestricia Llewellyn appeared with Thomas, and Director of Public Prosecutions Colin Williams represented the crown.