Man blames drug possession on unemployment
From the Courts
January 15, 2010

Man blames drug possession on unemployment

Dennis Benn’s excuse for transporting marijuana for someone is that he can’t find a legitimate job.

His excuse, however, did not do any good. It only made matters worse.{{more}}

Chief Magistrate Sonya Young sentenced the Villa resident to nine months in prison after he pleaded guilty to possession of 414 grams of cannabis and 12 grams of cocaine with intent to supply at Port Elizabeth, Bequia on January 12, 2010.

On the cocaine charge, he was sentenced to six months imprisonment, with three months for the marijuana charge. Both sentences will run concurrently.

The court heard that about 1 pm on Tuesday, members of the Rapid Response Unit were on duty at the Port Elizabeth wharf in Bequia when Benn disembarked the Admiralty transport vessel.

The officers noticed that he was acting in a suspicious manner and then requested a search on his person and a blue knapsack that he was carrying. That search revealed a brown taped package containing the marijuana and a black plastic bag with several foil paper wrappings in it containing the cocaine.

When cautioned, Benn replied: “Is ah man gimme to bring down to hide”.

Before being sentenced, Benn pleaded with Magistrate Young not to send him to jail but instead give him community work so he can be occupied at least. “I 27 years old. My mother and father ain’t gimme nothing. I dus have to fight just to eat ah food out here cause I ain’t getting no work,” Benn said.

In her response, Young told Benn that he shouldn’t be that dependent upon his parents and that there are legitimate things that he can do to earn a living.(KW)