About eDiscovery
August 11, 2006

About eDiscovery

Discovery is the process of gathering information in preparation for trial. The scope of information obtainable through discovery is quite broad and not limited to what can be used in a trial. Federal courts and most state courts allow a party to discover any information “reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.” {{more}}DiscoveryWorks Legal, Inc. was formed in January 2004 to serve the needs of legal professionals through all phases of the fact-finding process, with an emphasis on collecting, managing, analyzing and storing potential evidence and case files.

DiscoveryWorks serves the needs of the litigation community starting with the filing of a lawsuit through all phases of litigation support, concluding with the support of a trial. Its services fundamentally revolve around supporting the management of large volumes of documentation; whether in paper or electronic forms, in support of the Discovery Process within the US legal framework.