Kelly Glass: Looking for the right opportunities
September 24, 2004

Kelly Glass: Looking for the right opportunities

Like a true prospector, Kelly Glass jumped at the opportunity to go east in exploration of what business opportunities Taiwan would have to offer his business, the K-Electric Group of Companies.
His investment paid off. The K-Electric group landed a deal worth some US$500,000. {{more}}They also won the right to represent ACI Electronics in the Caribbean and Latin America. ACI is also known as two-way communication and manufactures active devices for cable television.
An arrangement with DBTEL, the manufacturers of a line of mobile phones, is also being pursued. Similar discussions are also being held with a computer manufacturer.
But none of these will materialize unless the free zone area proposed for Campden Park is established.
“The Taiwanese businesses have been very helpful,” Kelly Glass said, “and we need to further explore opportunities and seek advice on setting up the free zone.”
The mission to Taiwan visited the Export Processing Zone in the southern city of Kaochung.
It was the establishment of this free zone and the way it was managed that has been credited for what is now termed the “Taiwanese Economic Miracle”.
“The Campden Park port is hemorrhaging financially at the moment,” Glass said, and we need to turn that around.
The Taiwanese have given very specific commitments to help St. Vincent and the Grenadines in this regard.
About the rest of his mission to Taiwan, Glass said he is also working with a lighting company and a lamp manufacturing company and looking forward to bringing some of the manufacturing to SVG if the free zone becomes a reality.