Alleluia He is Risen
Easter Messages
March 28, 2024

Alleluia He is Risen

Easter Message by SVG Christian Council

The book of Ecclesiasticus (cf. 2:1) invites us to focus on the season of Lent which we have concluded and the season of Easter which we are commencing. As Christians, during the period of Lent, we prepare for Easter through a regimen of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We focus intently on Jesus who came through his ordeal of temptations by Satan in the wilderness.

Scripture says that after Jesus was baptized by John the Spirit led Him ‘into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He had fasted for forty days and forty nights, and then the devil came to Him’, (cf. Matthew 4: 1 – 3).

As we look back on ourselves during the period of Lent, could we say that we were tried and tested? Were we introduced to places and conditions we would rather have avoided? Or was the temptation a reintroduction to circumstances from which we would rather have refrained? Did it seem as if the more we tried to focus on Jesus, the more we appeared to be weakened by the snares of the Tempter? It is in these moments, as in the case of Jesus, we are to recall his words to
the Tempter, “Away with you Satan!” For it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall serve’ (cf. Matthew 4:10).

During our walk with God, we will constantly face ordeals in our lives, but as Christians we believe in a resurrected Christ, who knows all the emotions of man: our fears, our failings, our constant stumbling. Jesus fell three times under the weight of the cross (our sins!) We need to constantly call on Jesus for assistance so that when the tempter comes, we will have the words Jesus used to the tempter on our lips. We do not want to be in a tomb, locked away, succumbing to our ordeal. We want to have the faith to say, ‘Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me,
nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will’ (cf. Matthew 26:39).

This Easter, let us remember that we serve a risen Christ. Jesus had passed through different temptations, but, during his 40 days in the wilderness, he acknowledged that he constantly needed God’s assistance and he asked for it. As we rise with Jesus during this Easter Season, let us
remember to consistently ask for God’s intervention in everything we do. For, it is only in seeking God’s direction can we face our ordeals with the faith that Christ is truly risen from the dead and thus, we have the faith to continue to move forward. In constantly acknowledging Jesus, we will be able to experience the peace he promised to his disciples, PEACE BE WITH YOU! (cf. Jn 19:21).

May the risen Christ be your constant companion during this Easter time and may you continue to keep him close throughout your life.

A Blessed and Happy Easter everyone!