Warmest congratulations to Rhonelle Buntyn
August 15, 2014

Warmest congratulations to Rhonelle Buntyn

Fri, Aug 15, 2014

To a God-fearing humble and excellent young lady, Rhonelle Buntyn, daughter of Curt and Rhonda Buntyn, sister of Rhonette and Rhoneil Buntyn of New Montrose, who graduated from the University of Kent, Canterbury, England, with a Bachelor of Science degree with first class honours in Forensic Science on 16th July 2014.

A mighty shout of thanksgiving goes up to Almighty God, for all that He has done for her, all that He is doing, and all that He will do. To Him be the glory, honour and praise. Heartfelt thanks are also extended to the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines, for granting her the opportunity to pursue her dreams. Many thanks also go out to the entire family circle, the Pastor and members of Faith Temple, friends and well-wishers.

We love you, Rhonelle. Stay focused, and continue serving God with all of your heart.