The birth of Christ, the greatest news ever told
Christmas Message from Most Rev. Melford M. Pompey, Archbishop, Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese of SVG
In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days, he has spoken to us by his Son. Heb 1:1. Christmas greetings my brothers and sisters at home and abroad. It’s the time for another celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ the provided voice speaking to us these last days instead of the prophets.
Many were excited at the news of His birth, but, for the staff at the Inn, one wonders what went through their minds when they told his parents no room was available except for the stable where oxen fed on hay; his parents made it a welcome place, a true reflection of a humble beginning, but he rose to supremacy, being part of the Godhead.
God spoke through the prophets concerning the birth of Jesus Christ, Isa. 7, 10-14, 9, 2-7, 11, 1-10, Zach. 2, 10-13, but, in this era, he speaks to us through his Son. The excitement of many waiting with high expectations to hear what God was about to reveal through His Son must not be overlooked.
Notice how they did it decently and in order, not the revelry and some of the lyrics we are fed with, in the name of Christmas Carols. Whether or not he was born on December 25th is not the point, but the fact is that He was born, His birth is worth celebrating and must not be mistaken for another Carnival.
I call on songwriters of Christmas Carols to be mindful of the reason for the season so keep it clean and uplifting. Focus on how those who took part in the first celebration did
it. The angels started the celebration by delivering what is still today the greatest news ever delivered. To the Shepherds, they herald, “Fear not, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. Today is born in the City of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord, born in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes.” Luke 2, 8-12.
The angels were not alone, as the multitude of the heavenly host joined with their praises. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill to all men. Luke 2, 13 & 14.
If we can only pursue that peace which Jesus himself left before ascending on high, then the world will not be filled with wars; Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Hezbollah, Lebanon,
Ukraine, and others will resolve their conflicts. St. Vincent and the Grenadines will not be seeing headline after headline of another murder, (at the time of writing 52 murders, too many), the hatred, malice, envy, backbiting and such like will be replaced by the peace that passes all understanding. I call on those who are planning the demise of their brother or sister to put down the weapon and seek God’s face.
At the departure of the angels, the Shepherds went in search of the child and shared the good news.
What is it you are sharing today? Is it just for likes and hearts? Is it the ones that belittle your people? Or is it that which sows seeds of discord in our society, the church or the country? Let us share the message of Jesus Christ-The Saviour of the World who still saves and satisfies as God speaks through him; today if you hear his voice harden not your heart as in the days of provocation.
Jesus said, I am come that they may have life and have it more abundantly. He said, Come unto me all ye weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest, I am come to seek and to save those that are lost.
The wise men in finding him opened their treasures offering him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
At his circumcision, Simeon said, “Lord now let thy servant depart in peace for mine eyes have seen all that thou has done. ”Luke 2, 28-32.
We are thankful to God the Father for embedding in our hearts the knowledge of His glory, His son as a servant, made in the likeness of men and the Holy Spirit for overshadowing Mary to be the mother of our Lord.
The Spiritual Baptist fraternity once again thanks Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Ralph E. Gonsalves for piloting a Bill in Parliament to declare May 21st 2025 the First National Spiritual Baptist Day Holiday and by extension, the Parliament for their overwhelming support. We anticipate a grand celebration next year by the Spiritual Baptist fraternity, with our main activities from the 15th to 21st May; All praise and thanks to God.
The Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese continues its journey towards the upliftment of the faith. The Archbishop’s visits to churches and shut-ins will continue in 2025 and new activities will be posted in January 2025, and our Religious Academy is set to re-open in February next year as enrolment continues.
I am pleased to announce that Bishop-elect, Canon Micheal Foster will be consecrated to the glory of God as Bishop of the Spiritual Baptist Archdiocese on Sunday 19th January, 2025 at the Elizabeth Cathedral, Belmont at 9:30 a.m.
As we come to the end of the year it is time to get rid of old baggage, and anything that is a deterrent to our progress; may the Lord guide us through this troublous life, until the shadow lengthens and the evening comes, when our work is done, then in his mercy He will grant us a safe lodging and a perfect rest at last.
I am grateful for all the prayers and support that I received throughout the year and look forward to your continuing fellowship as I continue to be your humble servant; I walk by faith, not by sight.
On behalf of the Archdiocesan Council, my wife Chermar and children, and on my behalf, to all Spiritual Baptists, friends and well-wishers at home and abroad, a Merry Christmas from our house to your house. May 2025 be a prosperous and spirit-filled year for everyone and may God bless us all.