Christmas Messages
December 21, 2012

Cherish things that matter most to you

Fri Dec 21, 2012

by: Cenio Lewis
High Commissioner for St Vincent and the Grenadines

This is a time of year that generates a great deal of domestic activities as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. It is good to rejoice when important things occur in our lives and the celebration of the birth of Christ is of the greatest importance to us all. However, during the festive season, it is imperative that we keep the meaning of Christmas foremost in our thoughts.{{more}}

The central message I wish to convey to all our nationals is that as we engage in the activities of Christmas, we retreat at times to what is the ‘core-self’, that is to the things that matter most and give our lives its substance and vitality. These things come in a range of forms such as family, friends, compassion and love.

It is the essence of our lives that matter and its true character reveals itself in the goodwill we show to all persons, even to those who may hate you. It is useful to remember that all things are temporary, and that the mysterious stillness of the inner truth watches us all. In this season of festivities and always I pray that this mysterious stillness will be with us all.

Our nation is truly blessed by Almighty God. These are difficult times, but we have to be thankful for all that He has bestowed upon us. On behalf of the Staff of the Mission and on my own behalf, I wish to convey to all nationals at home and in the diaspora a Happy Christmas and a successful New Year.

May God bless our beautiful country and all our people.