Bassy - Love Vine
March 13, 2008

We hit rock bottom last Thursday

Maybe an expert from Kay-Blue & Why-Less or D. J. Sell should spend some time on Radio and TV and tell dis nation dat while some ah we might think we phone smart and could play games use de phones foh diverse and devious reasons and get away wid it, dat technology is always one step ahead ah we.{{more}}

So dat last Thursday when dat Sick-oh went on ah phone and called de Hospital twice, threatening to blow up de place; his/her phone number was recorded, de voice and de number called was recorded; de time and de exact spot wherever de call was made is recorded at dey head office. Not only dat, but every call dat de person made wid dat phone after Thursday, whether by long line or Sell phone is recorded and can be traced. In other words, de Police should be ready about now to mek an arrest. Ah might as well add if there is no pull-it-tek-all interference, Yuh ain’t hear de Prime Minister done say de bomb scare was pull-it-to-call-he motivated. Just like when de alleged rape matter came up, he said it was pull-it-to-kill-he motivated too.

But dis bomb threat is scary. Anyone who even entertain de thought of blowing up ah Hospital way sick people agonizing in pain, even unborn babies dey waiting to enter dis world, is ah Terrah-is. De truth is dem regular Terrah-is hardly bomb institutions, dey are usually merciful and sympathetic to Hospitals, if dey do, it is usually ah misdirected attack.

When ah watch de TV news last week Thursday evening wid nurses, doctors, John public in mass confusion trying to evacuate sick people from de hospital, ah say to me-self, SVG finally hit rock bottom. We have ah serious problem here dat calls foh more dan de physical help, dis country needs spiritual help. Ah mentioned some time ago dat we need more Prayer Groups at the work-place, de schools, villages, even de sporting and social clubs ought to tek time out sometimes and have dey own Prayer Meeting. De country is too divided!


It is becoming easier and easier to mek ah Vincentian Prime Minister, de mould is almost complete. De got ah Unity complex. Sir James in his 1972-1974 term called foh ah Unitery state wid SVG, Grenada and St Lucia remember de Carriacou Awe-cord. Dat turned out to be more like ah Honda Accord, because in ah matter ah months Sir James was driven out of office in his Awe-cord. But he remained dauntless, and when he was back in 1984, he was at it again, ah call foh Windward Island Unity dat didn’t last as long as miss Janey fire. Gonsalves was not wid Mitchell Unity move, he along wid all de opposition parties in de Windwards stayed out to SCOPE way going on.

But Like dis unity fever does attack dem Vincy Prime Ministers in dey second term, now it’s Gonsalves time to call foh Unity. Mr Merger, his last merge landed him de Prime Minister. Dis time, he wants ah Unit wid T’n’T, Grenada and SVG. Even Lie-Za was saying dat Gonsalves had to be wide awake in ah dream these days. Unity is not about shares in flour mill, Airline merger or reduced oil prices, Unity is about people, bringing dem together, getting dem to accept and love each other. Using dat formula can one say dat Unity exists in SVG?. Man de Least Common Multiple (LCM) is rampant Division. Division in T’n’T! down dey split down de middle between East Indians and de Negroes. Division in SVG! we split down de middle between de two parties, dis country has never seen ah bigger split. And is hard to tell who is more Divided Vincentians or Grenadians?

So Gonsalves and de Man-in T’n’T first step towards any Unity begins right in dey homeland. Ralph and Arm-in on one hand, and Man-in and Pan-dey on de other, must first drop de gun and bury de hat-shit and reunite de people in dey country. Charity begins at home, so does Unity. Any other call is ah mockery.

But we aint finish making de Vincy Prime Minister mould. Two Court decisions were announced dis week, both involving two Prime Ministers Sir James and Doctor Gonsalves. De two ah dem were wanted to defend dey ain-no-sense, one foh Ottley Hall de other foh alleged rape. But by dey action or reactions, one is left wid very lickle doubt dat neither ah de two ah dem want to have dey day before ah Judge. Interestingly de ruling from de Courts granted dem both dey request. Sir James will not appear before de enquiry, so we will not hear from de captain who was on de bridge when de ship hit de iceberg. And in de alleged rape case against P.M. Gonsalves, de DPP acted correctly, case discontinued.

My girl Lie-Za say, neither side is going to give in, one way or de other, dis one will reach Privy Council. But I am always comforted by King Solomon, synonymous wid Wisdom and Knowledge.. King Solomon in de book of Wisdom talks about Justice and says: “He who gives voice to Injustice will never go unnoticed, nor shall avenging Justice pass him by. For de Godless man’s deliberations shall be examined, and a report of his words shall reach de Lord who will convict him of his sins”. Wid those comforting words, we don’t need to fret and fuss. And wid dat ah gone again.

One Love Bassy.