Bassy - Love Vine
October 26, 2007

De Frasers’ big day

Two weeks ago, six young Lawyers were “called to de bar” and dis week Niara Fraser had her baptism. I say baptism because when Justice Bruce Lyle is doing de initiation is like ah baptism wid ah difference, and is so we love to hear him, in fact de audience looks forward to his words ah wisdom spiced wid humour. Sir Bruce won my heart years ago when he was ah Mad-is-straight here: Firm, Fair and Fearless, all de F’s.{{more}} Today it sickens my stum-muck when ah hear de non-cents dat taking place in de Mad-is-straight courts, people wid serious offences getting penalties equal to ah slap on de wrist. Ah want to nominate Sir Bruce early foh “Man ah de year 2007”.

Lie-Za ask if me and Sir Bruce is friend, how come he never call me up foh con-tempt, why up to now ah can’t spell de man name correctly. Really ah try all how to spell dat name: de British way Mr Brew-sly, de Vincy way wid ah broad accent, Missah Bruise-lie, ah even try de Shy-knees way Jullist Blu Li. But Sir Buce got ah good scent ah Hugh-ma!

Dis week ah dealing wid de Rookies dat were called to de Bar, Keith Beckles excluded. First ah would like to congratulate dem all and dey parents who are more my age group: Norma Knights who gives all her time to charity and social wuk, Venol Coombs gave his time taking SVG Football to FIFA level; Shirley Layne of de famous Jones family of Cedars; I admire Blazer’s kid brother, Carl Williams, ah Rasta who impressed de Judge for having returned to de classroom to complete his education. “Nuff respect to you” Sir Bruce said as he hailed him up in Rasta twang. We are happy for dem all but ah lickle more so foh de quiet, unassuming Rickey Burnett. Years ago ah had reason to go to de Registry where dis very humble and mannerly young man dealt wid me. He was so knowledgeable dat ah thought he was de Registrar or deputy, not knowing dat he was only ah junior clerk. As Sir Bruce said in his exhortations, it’s only ah matter ah time before Ricky sits in de Registrar’s or Judge’s chair.

Well Doc Fraser graciously invited me to his daughter Niara’s big day wid de Judge last Tuesday. Adrian never says no to any one who requests his service so ah had no choice but to attend. Added to dat, when yuh know d’s kids from lickle babies yuh sometimes see dem as yuh own. Yuh know de saying “it teks ah village to raise ah child” it still stands and de boundaries ah dat proverbial village is not limited to houses within ah block.

Niara didn’t come into dis world alone, she walked wid her twin sister, ah remember de concerned look on Adrian’s face de day de lickle girls arrived, bet he was worrying about de extra baby bottle and diapers dey didn’t calculate for. But de Fraser kids blossomed, one look like de father de other like de mother, but both holding on to dey mother’s good looks… On de street yuh can’t miss dem, whether in school or girl guides uniform, dey always together and no matter who friends dey wid, dey never leave dey manners at home, definitely ah cut above de other kids, mom again. If yuh think ah heckling Adrian, yuh should ah hear de uproar in Courts when Sir Bruce big up de good Doc and his wife for dey humility and exemplary conduct, den told Niara dat it was de first time he was seeing de Doc dressed up in suit. It was ah new suit actually, only his uncle knows “from whence dat came”. Garnet Eustace and Candy Veira dey bad-talking de Doc say he ain’t wear socks since he left Grammar School, how he borrowed ah pair from his son. Those are his friends. But he looked smart foh his daughter’s big occasion so did his proud wife.

Young Lawyer Fraser did well at UWI and from my reliable source, she is not only book smart but equally as sharp. Sir Bruce noted de rapid increase in de number of female Lawyers joining de profession in SVG, and expressed his concern over de fact dat men in de law profession are fast becoming an endangered specie. “Dey say dat when ah women is in charge, things will go good” he said. I am happy dat Niara with her skills, zeal and enthusiasm, not only will she will be playing ah great role in dis new dispensation, but de future foh law in dis land is in good hands. De love Vine wises her all de best.


Ah just want to say adios to de Venezuelan Ambassador Madam Tibisay. She has been here foh seven one-dah-full years that bore lovely fruits. She would have been involved in de historic advent or introduction of de Petro Caribe Agreement dat provides assistance from her country to several of de Caricom states. De members of El Grupo Amistad will long remember her for de genuine respect that she extended to de Group, and we want to thank her very much, muchas gracias y adios!


When yuh see de Prime Minister talk he foolishness ah want to keep far. Professor Allsopp’s Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage describes de word Pokey as “de Vagina. Used sometimes by children, often in child molestation cases in court, for want of any other word”. As kids we had ah word game we uses to play. To every thing ah say yuh add de word “poor”. Ah went up de road: “Poor Road”. Ah meet ah man, Poor-Man. He was in ah house, Poor-House. De house had ah door, Poor-Door. De door had ah lock, Poor-Lock; de lock had ah key, Poor-Key. Lie Za ask me what ah have to say, so ah tell she de PM was thinking bout ah piece ah roast Pork-he-hold at de Bar-B-Q. She say yes and dat is all he studying de Pork-he-hold! Poor-He or is it Pork-he. And wid dat ah gone again.

One Love Bassy