Canine dermatological problem, non-mite related
The skin forms a complex physical barrier that protects the animal (dog) from the effects of the environment. The presence of certain environmental activities may lead to the development of skin complications.{{more}}
Mites are not the only causes of dermatological problems that may affect our canine friends. Dogs (adults & puppies) develop skin complications due to the frequency of baths, the use of certain skin products (shampoo and soap), bites by ticks, hormonal malfunction, the use of certain foods and nutritional deficiency.
The frequency of baths refers to the time between one bath and another. This is of great importance, taking into consideration that the non-pathogenic micro-organism of the skin may be transformed into pathogenic ones if their environment (animal skin) is altered.
A dog (adult or puppy) that receives more than two baths a month is at a high risk of developing skin problems. This is as a result of natural oil removal from the animalâs skin. When this oil is removed, the animalâs skin becomes dry, loses its bright colour and is dull. This facilitates the development of pathogenic skin micro-organisms and thus dermatological problems: alopecia (hair lost), itching, erosion and tissue damage.